
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Giving Thanks

As I sit here enjoying the first snow day our district has granted us in around five years I am filled with a thankful heart not only because I didn't have to take my AP English or Honors Trig finals today (although that was definitely a plus) but because I am here with my family, in our warm cozy house, and Uganda has been our main topic of conversation this morning.

Going to Uganda has opened my heart to so many things. It has shown me what I believe to be, the purpose of not only my life, but everyones life here on earth and that is to love. To love everyone. I never understood that before going to Uganda. I couldn't fathom how you could just LOVE everyone! It is hard to explain how I can do this now. I honestly believe it is only because I truly have my Maker living inside of my heart. He supplies me with the love to give. I am like a drinking glass. He is like the tap. The world is like a thirsty child craving a quenching to their thirst. I simply have this inexpressible joy within me and that is basically the only conclusion I can come to. How blessed we all are to be loved and used by our Father who grants us such love and passion and happiness through Him! I am truly thankful for such an amazing Savior.

I am thankful for my mom. Since she is no longer working she has been totally committed to helping my with anything Africa. From organizing a team to go in June of this year, or June of 2012 to brainstorming uniform/clothing ideas and sponsorships for the children at Rock of Ages to crying with me as I read stories from a blog written by a very strong young women leading the life in Uganda I one day hope to achieve. For teaching me to be a lady, to cook eggs, to be professional, and how to share my love. She is the most amazing PR assistant I could ever as for and although we may not always see eye to eye and she can't always understand why I do what I do she is always there to support and love me in ways words cannot express. I am truly thankful for such an amazing mother.

I am thankful for my dad who has pushed me to "Go big or go home" from the get-go. Who has helped me pull together a committed team to run our 501c3 Hands4Uganda and who has taught me to "Just do it" and who has loved me though the ups and downs of life. For always encouraging me in my faith and showing me the love a father has for his daughter. I am not sure how far my dreams of building this new school for Rock of Ages would be without him and his constant love and support. I am truly thankful for such an amazing father.

I am thankful for my little sister Hannah who as I type this now is asleep next to me cuddled up in my comforter. I am so blessed to have a younger sister in my life who just gets me. Who will just come and lay in my bed and cuddle with me on cold stormy days, or when I am simply feeling lonely. She doesn't mind listening to me ramble on about school, or trips she cannot yet accompany me on, or fundraisers she is sick of helping with. She simply sits and takes it all in then offers the few words of wisdom she always seems to astonishingly have for someone of her age. I am truly thankful for such an amazing sister.

I am thankful for my step families. They always offer a new perspective, lots of love and a little chaos. For my step dad who has loved me as his very own daughter. Who has helped to provide for me and support me through the ups and downs of being a teenager stuck at a younger age then she wishes to be. For my step mom who has taught me to be tough and get down and dirty. To work hard and play hard. For all of my step siblings who have been there to encourage me and advise me on things from my love life, to college, to silly drama, to what I should wear, to how to express myself. They have all impacted my life in very special, yet very different ways. I am truly thankful for such an amazing step family.

The Lord has blessed me in so many more ways. More ways then I could ever list. From the Hair family for welcoming me as one of their own and opening the door to Uganda for me to Pam and Paul Hunter (Mama and Papa) who have shown me that our God IS a living God and that to " Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins." (1 Peter 4:8). I cannot express my gratitude and affections for either of these families.

So here I will conclude pondering on how blessed I am to be surrounded by such wonderful friends and family and how I have been given such a wonderful opportunity to bless others and they have blessed me.

Thank you Lord. Amen.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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